Friday, March 21, 2008

Mother with One Eye

I heard a story from my husband. He got that story from Kosovo and He told me last night before sleeping as usual. He said the story was about Islamic values.

"Baby, did u ever hear this story, very nice, about mother with one eye. Maybe u ever heard it" he started his story.

...There was a boy and his mother who had only one eye. She didn't look good. She looked scary and boy was embarrassed of her. He used to avoid her.
One time she went to his school and all children were afraid of her cause she only had one eye. The boy was very embarrassed so he didn't like her at all. He yelled at her "why did you come to school, Now all children are teasing me!".....etc
So when he grew up, he left the house and told her that he hated her. He went to Singapore (the story says that), finished studying there and got married but never wanted to see his mother only by letters. Then he had children. One day mother came to his house uninvited. Just to see her son and grand children. But When she was there, grand children were afraid and scared when saw her then started to scream. The boy was so angry and told his mother to go and never came back. Mother said, "I'm sorry son, I only wanted to see you and my grand children." She went away.

After some years, son went back home to the mothers house and sees that mother had died but left him a letter. In the letter she said, 'My son I love you so much. I remember when you were boy and you lost your eye, I didn't want to see you like that so we went to specialist to remove my eye and give it to you just to make you happy. I'm glad that i saw you and grand children and all of you are happy...."

Then my husband stops his story. He takes a breath then continues it again. He gives me one Hadist. He said: "It's finished by Hadith from our prophet when He says to love our mother and again mother and again mother and after that father..Do you remember that, Baby?"

"Yes Baby, I remember that" I said.

Then my husband read that Hadist; "A man came to the Prophet and said, ‘O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said: Your mother. The man said, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man asked again, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your father. (Bukhari, Muslim)."

That's a really touching story. It reminded me to my Mom... Oh Mom, May Allah Bless you always in heaven, Amin Allahumma Amin...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Bubur Ayam, Minyak Goreng, Soeharto, DPR dan SBY (Uuu... takuuuut)....

Waduh, hari ini begitu melelahkan. Sejak jam satu siang sampai malam ini masih aja macet. Kayaknya bakalan telat nih nyampe rumah....Ternyata bener juga...

Memang Jakarta terkenal dengan macetnya. Kalau seseorang nyebutin Jakarta, hal pertama yang kebayang adalah macet nya. Makanya kalau berangkat kerja mesti pagi buta dan pulang mesti diatas jam 8 malem jika ga mau kejebak macet.

Begitu juga dengan hari ini. Tapi ini lebih parah rasanya dibandingin hari-hari kemaren. Sejak tadi siang waktu ketemu client ampe sekarang mau pulang pun tetep aja macet padahal jam udah menunjukkan pukul 10 malam. Oh ini bener-bener udah parah, ga cuma ngabisin bensin tapi juga waktu dan tenaga....ugh!

Kayaknya udah mulai deket rumah nih...tinggal 1 km lagi aku bisa meluruskan punggung dan pantat... capek juga duduk berjam-jam di mobil.

Di belokan ke komplek, aku melihat tukang jual bubur langganan lagi nyante, sepi...cuma ada sepasang suami istri. Kayaknya makan bubur malem-malem enak nih secara perut ku juga lagi laper.

Akhirnya kuberhenti di tempat penjual bubur dan turun untuk menyantap bubur kesayanganku...

"Kemana aja nih Bang, ga pernah kelihatan..." tanya Ku... " Ah neng, ga kemana-kemana kok, bekas pacarku lagi sakit, jadi aku nemenin dia dirumah sakit selama empat hari ini, makanya ga jualan dulu" jawabnya sambil meracik bubur untukku. Bekas pacar disini maksudnya adalah istri si Abang yang biasa nemenin berjualan.

"Sakit apa Bang"..aku melanjutkan percakapan lagi. "Ini, sakit panas...lumayan juga neng, semalam Rp.500.000,- belum lagi obat nya...tapi yah namanya hidup, saya mah menjalaninya aja..." Si Abang terlihat tenang menyuguhkan bubur yang udah jadi dan siap ku lahap... Ummmm masih dasyat rasa buburnya...aku mulai menikmati setiap sendok bubur ayam ini.

Tidak tahu dari mana, tiba-tiba si Abang mulai bercerita tentang harga minyak goreng yang makin naik.
"Sekarang, minyak goreng udah Rp. 15.000 per kg nya Neng. Semua pada naik. Daganganku cuma dua yang ga di goreng, saledry ama beras, semuanya harus digoreng. Kalau udah nyampe Rp.20.000 ntar, aku terpaksa naikin harga buburnya, Neng"

Waduh... Rp. 15.000 per kg sekarang...? seminggu yang lalu masih Rp. 11.000 kg itupun minyak goreng kemasan. Aduh, aku jadi pusing juga... tepatnya upset maybe... Baru-baru ini aku dengar Pemerintah mau menaikkan tarif dasar listrik, belum lagi pemerintah mau mencabut subsidi untuk sekolah-sekolah negeri. Bagaimana ini??????.....

"Jujur ya Neng, di zaman Soeharto, negara ga kayak gini. Semua terjaga. Sekarang katanya demokrasi, tapi kok jadi kebablasan ya. Emang katanya Soeharto korupsi, tapi itu ga Soeharto aja yang korupsi pada saat itu, dan yang korupsi juga sampai gubernur yang berani. Dibandingkan sekarang, sampai RT dah korupsi... pusing saya"

O..o... si Abang mulai mengungkapkan pikirannya. "Trus Abang sedih dong Soeharto wafat?" tanyaku lagi...
"Sedih..hhmmm banyak sedihnya liat negeri ini yang makin hancur aja"..lanjut si Abang sambil berdiri mengambil gelas minuman. "Sekarang itu Neng, di negara ini ada dua pendapat yang bersebrangan yang buntutnya bikin pusing rakyat, DPR dan pemerintahan SBY ga pernah satu. Ya DPR mau nya gini, ya SBY maunya gini. Nyata banget kalau sekarang ini yang lebih berpihak hanya kepentingan. Walaupun ada demo, tapi itu sebenarnya demo atas kepentingan. Kalau mereka dapat kursi, mana ada yang vokal lagi.... Saya masih ingat cuma sekali kita demo dengan satu kepentingan, waktu tahun 65, semua ingin bener-bener ada perubahan. Beda sekali dengan sekarang."...Si Abang semakin serius dengan omongannya, sedang aku diam-diam dalam nikmatnya bubur ayam, mulai menikmati percakapan si Abang.

"Makin banyaknya partai menunjukkan banyaknya kepentingan di negara ini. Bohong itu yang teriak teriak buat rakyat, sebenarnya mereka teriak buat perut mereka sendiri. Di Amerika yang negara demokrasi aja, cuma ada 2 parti besar. Yang menang memimpin dan yang kalah jadi oposisi. Simple kan!, Eh ini yang katanya demokrasi malah memperbanyak partai.. kelihatan banget maunya apa"

"Seharusnya kalau kita ingin memotong pohon, yang dipotong rating-rantingnya dulu, setelah itu baru batangnya agar kalau sudah tumbang tidak mengenai orang,rumah, jalan, atau yang lainnya," si Abang ber philosophy sembari aku menyelesaikan santapan terakhir buburku.

"Bener juga ya Bang, yang abadi di bumi ini cuma KEPENTINGAN "... Penyataanku ini menutup percakapan antara aku dan Bang Mail si penjual bubur sembari memberikan beberapa ribu untuk membayar bubur yang aku makan.

Kulanjutkan perjalanku menuju rumah, tinggal beberapa meter lagi aku sudah sampai. Aku bisa merasakan kesulitan yang dialami Bang Mail dan Bang Mail lainnya di saat keadaan ekonomi yang tidak menentu ini. Oh Tuhan.....

Happiness According to my hubby

"I just saw unhappy face on you, are you Ok?" I start conversation with my husband. I'm just curious coz I didn't see smile at all since he watched news on TV... "What was going on,husband?" I continue my question while picking up his clothes from bed and put it on my lap. Then my husband sit beside me and talk about what he saw on TV. He told about many floods and victims in Indonesia, how often it happened to them and how normal have this events become for them. Then cross on my mind i remembered one article that i read about Happiness this noon. Really, I wanna know the meaning of happiness according to him. He used to give me wise word, I love to hear that again for now...

"Happiness is a big topic my wife, nobody can be happy all the time. It comes and goes. You can be happily married but within marriage you get sad news and you cry. You can be sad and laugh like crazy if u watch a funny movie. Sometime i listen a good song and makes me Happy for 4 minutes. Then after i listen the same song, I'm not that happy anymore. It is a big topic wife. I'm happy with you. You are the best wife for me. There is no better but if i have problem with job and we are in crisis then you will see my face worry. Do you understand?... The sadness in happiness, it is strange, isn't it but it is that way."

"Yes I do.... but I will feel sad if I saw no smile on your face." I try to continue this conversation more."

"Wife, There is sadness within happiness as well, for example; we are happy married but sad because distance, do you understand what I'm trying to say? the situation is never clear, always somehow strange. For example if a couple is very happily married, they love each other crazy, many children and money but if someone from their family dies, there will be sadness there although it is a very happy family. Do you understand? I'm trying to talk about happiness generally."

"OK i understand my happiness and sadness,..." I teas my husband with my answer.... "..ha..ha you make me laugh wife..."
"You know, in here people ask each other all the time, are you happy, are you happy... and it bothers me alot, cause in my family we never ask each other about that. We don't have that expression cause we know life is tough! It is not easy and everybody has to work hard to live and we don't use that word happy. In here everybody does that. You can meet someone in the street and as soon they hear you are married or have a girlfriend, they will immediately ask you; are you happy?" Then my husband give question mark on his face....???????

"What kind of question is that...Stupid!!... life is tough and we have to work through it, work hard and no relationship is perfect!"

"Ok, now since you ask me, I just use that to talk about it (happiness) - my hubby continue it- I guess first thing would be my health, then my love, or all together. I don't know, I think they fall into same category health, love, relative, job, they all make me happy if I have it."

"If i have health I'm happy, if i have love I'm happy, if i have relatives (brother, sister, sister in law...etc) I'm happy, if i have job I'm happy ...etc, do you understand now wife?" he smile at me ... then he continued it again... "If I don't have my love (you) I'm not happy, If i don't have health I wont be happy, if I don't have family, I wont be happy."

"Yes I do understand that now, you are my good teacher." I hold my husband after listening all his explanations. "I try wife," he hold me too while stretching his body and kissing me softly...

"I know life is tough not just a dream, I agree with you about that." I give my opinion to my husband "but I will be sad if u are sad."

"I know Baby, like I said, I'm very happy with you, that I have you but because we have each other doesn't mean everything now is easy for us. We still have to find job and bring food home, and clean, and cook, and work, and all the things we always did and because we are humans, and not perfect. We sometime argue, fight, get sick,...etc. That makes us worry and sad, that is life. People here break up very easy, so many divorces because they wake up one morning and say I'm not happy anymore and they decided to go to their own way.I disagree with that"

"Husband, I ever read a book, it said GOD created sad and happy to make the life will be so dynamic, is it true?"

"Yes, wife..." he said while lying down on the bed.

Then I continued, "and it also could bring joy to life, coz after sad We will get happiness, for example after fighting with my sister, we both cried together and then now we feel like a new girlfriend or new couple."

"ha..ha.. nice, wife" he laugh and smile at me again." You both are sweet sister... hmm... it's getting late, seems like good for us to sleep now," He said.

Yes, it's close to 12 a.m now. We prepare our self to sleep. This is a good conversation I thought, and more important thing is it can make me be more realistic. Have a good nite sleep Baby, and thank you for your love (falimenderit per dashurine tende)...

Suddenly he whispered... "Terima kasih wife"...